Which can be the goal of the Week ELANGA or JOA' FELIX?


Take nothing away from this two goals, any can  make the UEFA CHAMPIONS League goal of the  week. this two youngsters show so much courage in their finishing to earn the trust from their Managers who gave them the opportunity to express their quality.
Judging both goals from the assist provided you can draw a better conclusion.

The first goal from Atletico Madrid scored by JOA FELIX was a cross from the left hand sid of the pitch in his position, not exactly directly to him but almost a cross to the 18th yard box, this lad took the chance by diving into the ball with a flying header hat sees the ball hitting the cross bar and going thru  to the net,beating  the goal keeper De Gea' with no response to the ball from the goal keeper when the ball passes him, he was stunned by the goal, speechless!

The goal has so much quality and trick,the finishing was spot on, and the calculation was sublime and precise. It was no wonder JOA FELIX  won the Man of Match, he was fantastic throughout the encounter, is skills was lovely,he cause so much tension and fever for Madrid through out the night during their encounter before he was substituted.

However take nothing away from Anthony Elanga goal! Entering the match in the 75th minute of the game and scoring at 80th minute, just 5minute of entering the game was not easy.
Is finishing was nothing short of class.
The pass from middle of the pitch by Bruno Fernandez was superb, the control of the ball from Anthony Elanga was top notch, then the finishing was classic, OBLAK was  beaten completely to the ball.
The confidence of the finishing is another part that endears to all! not much time in the game and not much playing time in the team or the Champions League, and then to have this level of composure and confident to that finishing was phenomenon!
The both Lad show their quality,and gave us the fans something to take home with! 
Let us wait and see what the return leg will be at Manchester!
We still wait and see who is voted for the goal of the week!


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